Ajay Yadav

(Sr Data Analyst, Reliance )

Founder & CEO of CloudyData

Hi, I'm

Ajay Yadav (Cloudydata)
Ajay Yadav (Cloudydata)

Hello, I'm Ajay, the driving force behind CloudyData.in. With over five years of experience as a Senior Data Analyst at Reliance and the founder and CEO of Cloudy Data, I'm passionate about making quality education in Data Science, Data Analytics, and Business Analytics accessible to all.

At CloudyData.in, we pride ourselves on offering live classes at the most affordable prices. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and excel in the fields of Data Science, Data Analytics, and Business Analytics, regardless of their financial constraints. Our commitment to affordability is rooted in the belief that education should be inclusive, opening doors to opportunities for aspiring data enthusiasts.

In these live classes, we go beyond just teaching theoretical concepts. We provide an interactive and engaging learning environment, ensuring that students not only understand the principles of Data Science, Data Analytics, and Business Analytics but also gain practical, hands-on experience. Our goal is to empower individuals to pursue their passion for data analysis and business intelligence without breaking the bank.

Join me at CloudyData.in, where we make quality education in Data Science, Data Analytics, and Business Analytics affordable, and together, we'll unlock the doors to a world of opportunities. Let's turn your aspirations into achievements without compromising on your budget.

Your Expert Guide in Data Science Education for Over 5 Years

(Sr Data Analyst, Reliance) , Founder & CEO of CloudyData